Winnie-the-Pooh by Alan Alexander Milne. Short summary

5 seconds

A teddy bear named Winnie the Pooh is the best friend of the boy Christopher Robin. He constantly gets into different stories. One day the bear decided to climb a tree to get honey.

1 minute

A teddy bear named Winnie the Pooh is the best friend of the boy Christopher Robin. He constantly gets into different stories. One day in a clearing, Winnie the Pooh noticed an oak tree on top of which bees were buzzing. The little bear climbed up to get honey, but he couldn’t get to it and fell into the bushes.

After that, Winnie the Pooh decided to ask Christopher Robin for help. He took a balloon and climbed up on it. At the same time, the bear cub was singing a special «Tuchka song,» which allowed the bees to think of him as a cloud.

But the insects suspected something. They flew out of the hollow and began to sting the bear cub. Then he decided that the bees were wrong and were making the wrong honey. Winnie the Pooh asked Christopher Robin to shoot the balloon down with his gun, which he did.

The bear cub went down smoothly to the ground. For a whole week after that, his paws stuck upward. When a fly landed on his nose, he was forced to blow it off, saying «puhh. Maybe that’s why they called him Winnie the Pooh.

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