The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. Short summary

5 seconds

Teenager Holden does a lot of silly things that are typical of his age. He decides to go West and writes to his little sister Phoebe. She shows up with a suitcase. This forces Holden to think like a grown-up.

1 minute

Memories of 17-year-old Holden Caulfield, who is being treated in a sanatorium.

It all started when the teenager was expelled from school for failing, and not for the first time. But Holden is by no means a dullard. On the contrary, he’s too shrewd, and he sees the falsity in the world of social convention. Holden can’t find his place in life. He is unbearable with adults, bored with his peers.

The teenager is afraid to report to his parents with the news that he has been expelled. He travels around cold New York City, calling and meeting with acquaintances. But they piss him off, too. With no money, Holden arrives home.

At home, his little sister Phoebe is alone. She gives him money from the piggy bank. Holden hangs around the streets and beyond. He is taken in by his teacher, Antolini. But Holden runs away from him, too.

He decides to go West and calls Phoebe to give her the money. She shows up at the train station with a suitcase — she will go with her brother.

This forces Holden to think rationally, maturely. He gives up the silly idea and takes the girl to the park to ride the merry-go-round.

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