Othello, the Moore of Venice by William Shakespeare. Short summary

5 seconds

Iago convinces Othello of his wife’s infidelity. The Moor strangles his wife. Iago´s wife denounces her husband. Othello kills himself, Iago is sentenced to execution.

1 minute

The Lieutenant Iago hates General Othello for having appointed the young Cassio instead of him as his deputy. Iago intends to exact revenge, using the warlord’s love for his young wife Desdemona.

The union of the aged and ugly Moor with the young and noble beauty seems strange. But the girl genuinely loves her husband.

Othello is sent to Cyprus. Desdemona goes after him, entrusted to the care of Iago and his wife Emilia. In Cyprus, Iago slanders so skillfully that he convinces Othello that his wife is cheating on him with Cassio.

Mad with jealousy, the general strangles his wife. As she dies, she tells Emilia that she dies innocent, but she refuses to give the name of her murderer.

Emilia denounces her husband. Othello, realizing that he has killed his innocent wife, kills himself. Iago awaits his execution.

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