Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Short summary

5 seconds

Clarissa Dalloway plans to throw a party. Walking through the streets of London, the Englishwoman remembers the days when she was young and lived in the suburbs of the Bourton district.

1 minute

This evening at Clarissa Dalloway’s was planning to go out unusual. That’s because the woman was planning to throw a party. In preparation for the event, Clarissa recalls her youth. Back then, the Englishwoman lived in a village in the Borton area. While reminiscing, she also recalls her wedding. And this recollection leaves the British woman wondering whether she married the right man.

Then the girl had two suitor. The first — Richard Dalloway, on whom you can rely in difficult situations. The second was Peter Walsh, who maintained around his person an aura of mystery, which is what Clarissa was falling for. The choice for the girl then was very difficult. But the choice was made in the direction of Richard, with whom she was married.

The choice was aided and abetted by the girl’s lack of opportunity to be someone’s romantic interest. All these conflicts surface again when Sally Seton arrives in London. And Peter is once again reminded of the Englishwoman’s past.

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