Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez. Short summary

5 seconds

Florentino and Fermina fall in love, but the girl’s father is against the relationship. He takes her to another city and convinces her to marry a wealthy doctor.

1 minute

Florentino and Fermina fall in love with each other. They begin dating in secret. In this, the young people are helped by Aunt Escolastica. The heroes write each other love messages.

Lorenzo, Fermina’s father, becomes aware of his daughter’s infatuation. He makes her refuse to see her lover. Fermina does not listen to her father. Then Lorenzo transports his daughter and his late wife´s family to another place. This does not stop the young people, who continue to correspond.

Upon her return, Fermina realizes that their relationship is not real, as they hardly know each other. She breaks off her relationship with Florentino and gives up all of his letters. The young doctor Urbino begins to take care of the girl. Gradually, the heroine yields to her father and accepts a marriage proposal from a new suitor.

Soon Fermina gets married. Her husband is busy researching ways to fight cholera. Florentino continues to love Fermina. He realizes that she will not leave her wealthy husband. The hero has no choice but to wait for his rival to die.

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