Lara, A Tale by Lord Byron. Short summary

5 seconds

Lara returns to the castle changed. The pageboy arrives with him. Lala quarrels with Oto. War breaks out, Lara dies, and the pageboy turns out to be the girl who loves him.

1 minute

Lara returned to the castle unexpectedly, though he was thought dead. He had no retinue, only a footman who followed his lord faithfully.

As time passed, people began to notice a change in Lara. Earlier he had been a spunky young man with a storm of emotions in his eyes, but he returned as a silent and stern man.

At night, Lara often wandered the corridors of the castle. One night the servants heard him scream. When they came running they saw Lara lying unconscious in the corridor, and beside him a frightened page was telling him something in a foreign language.

One day Lara went to Oto’s friend’s ball. Ezzelin, who arrived there, expressed his contempt for Lara and was ready to answer for his words. The next day Etselin did not show up, Lara blamed it on Oto and wounded him in a duel. Oto plotted his revenge.

War broke out, Lara and his page wanted to flee, but they had to fight. In the course of it Lara was mortally wounded, and people learned that the pageboy was a girl who loved Lara. She often went to the grave, and then she died, taking with her the secret of Lara’s past.

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