Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Short summary

5 seconds

Jane Eyre lost her parents at a young age. After her parents died, she was taken in by her mother’s brother Reed, who died some time later. By the age of ten, the girl had withdrawn completely.

1 minute

Jane Eyre’s early years were filled with tragic episodes. At a young age, the girl lost both of her parents. Under such circumstances, the girl was taken in by Mr. Reed, who was the deceased mother’s sibling. But Jane’s new guardian did not live long and also died.

So by the age of ten, the girl had settled on the Gateshead estate, which belonged to Jane’s aunt Sarah Reed. The character traits of the young Englishwoman were impressionability, vivacity and reticence. The latter trait appeared because of the prevailing circumstances and realities.

Aunt Sarah repeatedly displayed her own bossiness and selfishness. Her children, Eliza, Georgiana, and John, were not shy about displaying similar traits. Because of this, Jane’s relationships with her in-laws were difficult. No matter how hard Jane tried to earn love from her aunt and cousins, all her efforts fell flat.

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