Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais. Short summary

5 seconds

A son is born to the ruler of Utopia, the giant Grangosier. Hearing the baby’s formidable voice, the father names him Gargantua. One day a war breaks out between the country of the giant and one kingdom.

1 minute

Gargantuilier the giant was the ruler of Utopia. He loved good wine, salty snacks, and was reputed to be a great joker. At a mature age, he married a handsome girl, Gargamella. A year later the couple had a strong and healthy son.

He came into the world through Gargamella’s left ear; instead of crying, he cried out «Lakat!» After the father heard the baby’s formidable voice, he decided to name him Gargantua (huge gulp). Until he was five years old, the child only ate, slept, and drank.

One day Gargantua told his father that geese were good for wiping. The father was surprised at the wit and intelligence of the firstborn. Gargantua sends his offspring to study in Paris. Gargantua learns under the tutelage of Ponocrates. One day a war breaks out between King Picrochol and Grangguzier. The father calls his son for help, and the giants destroy the king’s castle.

Gargantua, in his father’s castle, meets the monk Jean, with whom they become friends. The giant orders the building of the Abbey of Télém for him, where everyone has the right to marry.

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