Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. Short summary

5 seconds

During the plague, seven girls and three young men go to a secluded place. Each day they tell each other stories united by one common thought.

1 minute

In a city devastated by the plague, seven girls meet in a temple. They decide to retreat to a secluded country estate. And they invite three young men with them, as well as taking servants and maids. Each day they choose a new subject to tell about a different life circumstance. And only one guy, Dioneo, always tells the last story, regardless of the theme of the day. His main task is to amuse everyone.

On the first day, there is no main theme, but all the talk is about love. The second is about how people go to their goal without noticing the obstacles in their way. The third day is devoted to unhappy love, and the fifth day to happy love. On the sixth day we talked about wrongs — about what can be forgiven and forgotten, and how to take revenge for your experiences. The seventh day was about jokes between spouses. The next day was about jokes between friends and unknown people. On the ninth day, the young people talked about what and for whom is most precious. And on the last day they talked about generosity and rich and generous people.

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