Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Short summary

5 seconds

Anna Karenina fell in love with Count Vronsky. For his sake, she abandoned her husband and son, causing the rejection of society. But she became confused about her feelings. Unable to withstand the mental strain, Anna throws herself under a train.

1 minute

A brilliant representative of the golden youth, Count Alexei Vronsky, saw Anna Karenina at the station. Love flares up between him and the married noblewoman. The meeting is overshadowed by an accident: the station guard is run over by a train.

The relationship between Anna and Vronsky is the subject of rumours, and Karenin becomes aware of it. Anna never loved him, only felt respect for him. But her love for Vronsky exposes all her dislike for him.

A year later, Anna becomes pregnant. She gives birth to a daughter and, in labor fever, promises her husband to part with her lover. Karenin threatens to take away her 8-year-old son Seryozha, whom her mother loves, if she does not behave decently. Anna makes up her mind and goes abroad with Vronsky.

In Italy, Anna was happy at first. But uncertainty torments both her and Vronsky. After arriving in St. Petersburg, Anna feels like a pariah. She leaves for Vronsky’s estate.

But even there she cannot make sense of her feelings. Vronsky begins to resent her. At the train station she recalls the incident with the watchman and throws herself in front of the train.

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