Animal Farm by George Orwell. Short summary

5 seconds

On Mr. Jones’s farm, the animals rise up and chase away the former owner and his employees. They give the farm a new name and establish a new order. Soon they are attacked by a farmer.

1 minute

Mr. Jones is the owner of Manor Farm. At night the hog Major gathers the animals in the barn. He informs them that they are in slavery because people are taking the results of their labor. The hog urges them to rise up and free themselves from oppression. After that, they will be free and become rich.

Since the pigs were considered the smartest, they took it upon themselves to prepare for the rebellion. The three pigs, Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer turn the Major’s words into a philosophical system called Animalism. At secret gatherings, the characters tell other animals about it.

When the farmer gets drunk and his workers abandon the farm and stop feeding the animals, there is a rebellion. The animals throw themselves on their tormentors and drive them out. The farm then becomes owned by the cattle, who destroy anything that reminds them of their past owner.

The homestead gets a new name: Cattle Yard. All the animals except the pigs work from dawn to dawn, with the pigs in charge of the others. The farmer and his employees attack the Cattle Yard.

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