All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren. Short summary

5 seconds

The story of politician Willie Stark, who went from an idealist to a cynical businessman trying to stay in power. But he is killed by his first aide so that he can sit in the governor’s chair himself.

1 minute

The novel is based on true events. The prototype of the main character was Louisiana Governor Hugh Long. The action takes place in the 1920s and 30s. The narrative is narrated on behalf of the journalist and then assistant to the main character, Jack Burden.

Willie Stark comes from the bottom of society. He sincerely believes that he can make life easier for ordinary people. And these ordinary people open the way to big politics for Stark by their vote.

But gradually Willie turns into a businessman, who does not disdain any methods to achieve his supposedly noble goals. His favorite saying has become, «good should be made of evil, because there is nothing else to make it out of. Decent people leave Stark and are replaced by blackmailers, adventurers and embezzlers. Governor Stark pits all this «royalty» against his competitors, wishing to stay in power.

The story ends tragically. Stark is killed by an emotional Adam Stanton, instigated to do so by Lieutenant-Governor Dafy. He automatically becomes governor.

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