Aeneid by Virgil. Short summary

5 seconds

Aeneas makes his way to the northern coast of Africa, where a city called Carthage is being actively built. In the middle of the young man’s journey, a storm hits him, the cause of which is the goddess Juno.

1 minute

When Aeneas got ready for his next trip, he got on a boat and set out. He was on his way to the north of Africa. There several Phoenicians were building a new city, which had already been named Carthage.

However, Aeneas did not succeed in reaching the shores of Africa safely. The god Aeolus, who commands the winds, at the request of the goddess Juno, sends a powerful storm over the Mediterranean Sea. It was this sea that Aeneas crossed and suffered the arrival of the storm.

The adventurer was on the brink of death. To the young man’s aid came Neptune, who dispersed the winds with further smoothing of the waves. The seven ships left of Aeneas’ crew are struggling to dock to the shore.

Finding themselves on a continent unknown to them, the adventurers were quickly brought up to speed. This continent was called Africa, and here Queen Didon rules. Along with the other exiles, she, too, proved unnecessary to Fincia. The exiles found a new home in northern Africa, where they are building a new city.

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