A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Short summary

5 seconds

Alex is a troubled teenager. He robs, rapes and kills. In prison, he undergoes experimental treatment. Upon his release, the hero realizes he needs to live a different life.

1 minute

The protagonist Alex is a fifteen-year-old teenager. With his company, he leads a completely immoral lifestyle. They beat defenseless people, rob stores and houses, and rape women. They even kill one during another raid.

Alex is put in jail, where he becomes prisoner #6655321. The cells are full of perverts who want to abuse the young guy. The abuser is killed in a fit of rage. A priest offers him a special «treatment.» Alex is injected with a drug under the guise of vitamins and shown videos of crimes to classical music. Now the thought of violence, or listening to Beethoven, makes him nauseous. However, he is now unable to resist the aggression directed at him. He has become a «clockwork orange,» as one writer defined the methodology.

His robbery friends become police officers and beat Alex up. He himself, after a long ordeal, is «cured» of the priest’s drug and thinks it’s not a bad idea to have a family.

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