1984 by George Orwell. Short summary

5 seconds

In 1984, Winston Smith lives in a totalitarian state. The authorities are trying to subjugate the minds of the citizens, using certain manipulations. The hero breaks the law by committing a thought crime.

1 minute

The events of the work are set in 1984 in London, in the province of Oceania. Winston Smith, 39, has been working at the Ministry of Truth for a long time. The hero goes home and notices a poster that says that big brother is looking at him.

In the man’s room, like the others, there is a TV screen mounted in the room, which receives and transmits a signal around the clock. The thought police use it to eavesdrop on the man’s every word and keep track of him. The slogans «war is peace, freedom is slavery» are very popular in the state.

The hero keeps a diary, even though he knows that this is a serious crime for which death awaits him. Despite this, he needs to vent his thoughts and decides to take the risk, even though he realizes that the thought police will get to him.

Winston Smith tries to confront the current authorities and protect his own mind from manipulation. But unfortunately, he fails to conceal his thought crime and the party subordinates him to its system.

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